Author: Sheryl Ness

SherylSheryl Ness was inspired to become a nurse by her father’s mother, who was one of the first formally trained nurses of her time. Sheryl has a master’s degree in Transcultural Nursing from Augsburg College in Minneapolis. She works as a clinical editor for Elsevier based in Rochester, Minnesota, and where she worked for thirty years as a nurse at the Mayo Clinic.

Her interest and love for the appreciation of cultures has been a strong influence in her life and inspired her to travel to other areas of the world—always curious for knowledge from cultural traditions of places and how this influence defines a person’s world.

Sheryl and her husband, Vincenzo Giangiordano, now live in Rochester, Minnesota, where he prepares traditional Italian cuisine as a chef for specialty restaurants. Together, they present Italian cooking classes and events as well as host private dinners.

They would love to hear from readers. Share your stories, try the recipes, invite them to come and cook with you, and send a note if you want to be in touch!

Sheryl Ness's books:


This author writes in the following genres:
  • Cookbook
  • Memoir

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